English+ Camp
for Congolese Youth
Up with Africa offers English+ Camps for young people from the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).
The camps provide students with an English immersion experienced centered around college and career preparation.
Youth unemployment remains to be a drastic issue throughout DRC, and much of sub-Saharan Africa.
UWA English+ Camps seek to provide youth with a series of experiences that will help them identity and chart their college or career path.
Camps provide youth with practice in key Academic English skills including reading, listening and speaking in order to prepare them for university admission.
Camps also expose youth to a variety of college and career opportunities, helping youth gain critical self-knowledge and exposure to a variety of paths.
Active Learning
Camp participants read and discussed an article regarding deforestation in the Amazon rainforest.
Participants then worked in groups to discuss the article and draw comparisons between conservation challenges in the Amazon and in the DRC.